Nursing School Resources

(Will grow over time!) 
For Core & Basic Classes: 
  • Pub Chem This is a website that is a public database that revolves around educating students or interested individuals about Chemistry. This has helped me a lot with Organic Chemistry because you can look up compounds and see the 2-D and 3-D Structure and interact with the molecules! 
  • Anatomy Drill & Practice This website breaks down every possible system of anatomy and allows you to see the illustrated anatomy, histology, cadaver practicals, and the anatomical model presented to you! It's great practice to label, and it's a simple but EFFECTIVE tool to have. 
For Nursing Classes:
  • Davis's Drug Guide This is the main website to where I have found some remarkably helpful pdf files of different medications. When I am looking up different medications, I will typically write its name in the search bar along with pdf. The result that comes up with FA Davis is a succinct file that can tell me a lot about the medication and drug I am inquiring about! 
  • Nurses Labs This website helps me with cheat sheets and everything in between. It gives thorough layouts and helpful guides. 


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