Being Professional with Chronic Migraine
I personally deal with continual migraines that take me out of commission for a few hours of a day, and I can't do anything else than lay down and try to sleep it off with certain medications. When it's absolutely necessary I can push myself through the day. For example, I have to wake up for my 8am Chemistry class around 5am. I awoke with a migraine that followed me through my day, including my four-hour lecture. I was able to push through my lecture, drive myself home, but I had to sleep a majority of the afternoon and evening away.
I've learned a lot about having Chronic Migraine. It requires me to work SMARTER and not HARDER if I put the time that I wanted into everything the efficiency wouldn't be there. I used to be able to spend hours working on projects when for the last 6 years I've only been able to spend chunks of 45 minutes.
Knowing all of this, and for you- Knowing your limits is the main obstacle to a Chronic Migraine. The first task to tackle is being able to say no to things that are outside of your limits and learning to work AROUND it. I struggled a lot by trying to work THROUGH my migraines, which caused trouble (of course there are circumstances where you have to...). But try to work WITH and AROUND it, that's helped me become the most successful!
If you are having difficulty with your migraines, there's a community online and in many different places, in which I can link to:
- @CMAware
- @help_migraine
- @migrainedotcom
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